Pray for Planter/Pastor Joel Kim and Portland Vision Church. Pastor Kim planted Rejoice Church in Beaverton, and in 2022 joyfully completed a merger with First Baptist Korean. Pray for this integrated church, that they might be united fully under one vision to see the Lost found in Christ. Pray for Pastor Kim, his wife Joy, and the church leadership as they labor fervently for the King and Kingdom.
Pray for rePlanter Jeff Dankenbring and Freedom Hill Baptist Church in Sweet Home, Oregon. Jeff and his wife, Simone, are working to lead their plant to be a light in their community, a hope for the lost and hurting. Pray for them as they work to build relational bridges to the community while at the same time deepening partnership among other churches.
Congratulations Simone for your recently published children's books!!
Pray for Planter Dave Elliff & Roots Community Church in the Roosevelt & Ravenna neighborhoods of Seattle, WA. Pray for Dave and his team as they seek to be a beacon of light in what is a challenging city full of hopelessness and darkness.
Pray for Dave's amazing wife, Mary, and their six adorable littles: Caroline, Caleb, Elijah, Emily, Kate, and Annie.
Pray for Planter Noe Flores and Iglesia Bautista Trinidad in Springfield, Oregon. Pray they would have great success in sharing the Gospel among the Hispanics in their community, and that many would be added to their number.
Pray also for Noe's wife Yolanda, and their daughter Noely.
Pray for our team:
Pray for Region 5 (E Washington / N Idaho) Church Planting / Church Health & Evangelism Catalyst Zac Minton. Pray for him as he meets with pastors & planters in his region, and as he seeks planters and partners for new works and rePlants.
Pray also for Zac's wife Nichole, and their kids Isaac (12) and Lillian (8).