TRAINING DATES & LOCATIONS: (Choose whichever fits your location & schedule best!)
Tri-Cities: March 28-29 (Fri-Sat) @ Crossview Christian Church, Kennewick, WA
Cottage Grove OR: March 31 - April 1 (Mon-Tues) @ Hope in the Grove Baptist Church, Cottage Grove
Seattle (Mt Vernon): April 11-12 (Fri-Sat) @ Koinonia Church, Mt Vernon
Portland / Vancouver: June 6-7 (Fri-Sat) @ New Life Church, Vancouver
NEW!! We are offering a bonus admin session before the main training begins!
Day One
2:30pm Admin Session (Optional)
4:30pm Registration
5:00pm Dinner (Optional)
5:45 - 8:30pm Training session
Day Two
8:15 - 2:30pm Training sessions
(Lunch provided)
LODGING: We are happy to assist in reserving hotel rooms, and you can request a scholarship to cover the cost (if needed) in the registration form below.
MEALS: We will provide dinner the first night, snacks and lunch on day two.
COSTS: All expenses for approved NWBC church planters and spouses are covered. Scholarships are available as needed for others, request in registration below.
Additional FAQs
Q. Who should attend this training?
A. Potential & current Church Planters, Spouses, Team Members, Partner Church Pastors, Multiplying Church Pastors, Pastors interested in learning more about church planting or applying planting principles to their church, Associational Leaders..
Q. What is the format and time commitment of this training?
A. We are hosting the initial in-person session (see above for general schedule), followed by additional topics through ongoing Zoom sessions of up to two hours. There is one final in-person training to finish out the course.
Q. What topics are being covered in this training?
A. Dates and topics for all the zoom sessions will be posted soon. Topics covered throughout this training include Disciple-Making, Evangelism, Outreach Methodologies, Partnership Development, Vision, Core Values, Prayer, Character of a Church Planter, Soul Care, Social Media, Identifying & Developing Team Members, Administration, and much, much more.
Q. What if I am unable to attend all the training sessions?
A. The full Basic Training Track includes this initial in-person training, ongoing Zoom meetings with additional content, and a final in-person session. Ideally attendees will participate in the entire process. The Zoom meetings are recorded, so as needed can be watched offline. However, there is still great benefit to be had even if you are unable to attend every session.
Q. Will there be childcare?
A. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide childcare.
downarrow Scroll down to register downarrow
for the initial IN PERSON training session
Still have questions? Contact:
Natalie Hammond
Church Planting Administrator