What is Church Multiplication SchooL?
CMS is a a two day intensive seminar of learning, planning and implementation, designed for Pastors, Church Planters, Catalysts/Strategists, Directors of Missions, and anyone who wants to develop church planting strategies and systems for their ministry area.
Some of the many topics included in this training are:
- Learn to multiply your Church or Network
- Plan to develop a comprehensive Church Planting System and the components needed
- How to develop a multiplying church culture
- Network with other leaders in your field
- See new tools and best practices
- Implement Partnership Development techniques
- Recruitment & Farm Systems to discover and raise up church planters and planting team members
- Exegeting Communities
- Outreach Methodologies
- Support and Administration
- Emphasis throughout on following the Holy Spirit's lead
There is something for both new and seasoned leaders. CMS is directed by Gary Irby, NWBC Church Planting Director, and includes a great cast of experienced and effective presenters.
Gary draws from extensive experience in church planting- helping start multiple churches through his work as a church planter (in Washington and Oregon), staff member, mentor, supervisor, consultant, as well as developing the church planting network systems as Seattle Church Planting Director, as well as Northwest Baptist Convention Church Planting Director.